Vote For Your Fave Winner Look

Congratulations to Gail W. from Ohio for being the Grand Prize Winner of Monroe and Main’s Wardrobe Makeover Sweepstakes 2014!
Check out the various looks and VOTE for the one you like best.
Comment below and tell us which outfit/look by # & title you like best for our winner Gail!
Take a look at Gail’s visit:
- Watch the video
- See the Photo Gallery
- Our Fashion Director shares tips with Gail YOU can use!
- Find out more about Gail’s visit to Monroe and Main’s Corporate Office
#1. Blazin Confidence

#2. Garden Party

#3. Definitely Dramatic

#4. Flattering Sophistication

#5. Rainbow Zing

#6. Comfy Casual

#7. Sassy Style

#8. Polka Dot Party

Comment below and tell us which outfit/look by # & title you like best for our winner Gail!
Check out the experience on video and see the entire photo gallery!
Comments (43)
#3. Definitely Dramatic The necklace makes the whole look pop!
Linda DiJacklin
# 1 for a professional look. I like the contrast with the blue and white. They all look very nice.
1 Likely looks best for work/church.
4 Love, love, love the Shrug
2 She looks most comfortable in this style for errands, around the house, visiting a neighbor.
7Good for an outing with the girls, or a first date dinner and conversation.
I like # 7 also I think she look’s rad in her outfit
Roxanne Rogers
Love #4. The sophisticated look compliments her body well.
Connie Blaylock
Love # 7, definitely Sassy Style. Love the necklace accessory…
Deborah Lalchan
I like #7 I think it’s awesome
Karen Kalles
Garden party
Gngrats to Gail. Go girl Go! Personally I like #3. Its a little edgy. The poka dots are soft and then the southwest jacket shows her strength. Necklace brightens her features. And her smile says she likes this as well. Perfect!
My favorite was #4. Love the LBD!
Valorie Joy
#2 and comfy casual #6, congratulations Gail!
Doris Szijj
Outfit 2 and 7
In viewing the pictures above I really liked all the Wardrobes but my favorite is #2 Garden Part.y
You look so absolutely PERFECT in #3 !! From the fit of the outfit, the statement jewelry, to the free-style vibe of the pieces you chose; your personality shines so radiantly!! Flowing pieces say W-O-M-A-N !! Effortless, with fire and heart and beauty !! You go girl !!
#7….she looks adorable
Love #3
Diana K.
#6-Casual Comfy. Not only does it look comfy I also own a hoodie from Monroe n Main. So smart and easy to wear with iust about anything.
Dianna L Redmond
I voted for the #1 Blazin Confidence. Gail congratulations.
Hellen Wright
I like # 7 and # 5 looking good Gail congratulations for you win
I love # 2.
DeAnn Stoner
#2 Garden Party is my favorite. I want that outfit! 🙂
My favorite is DEFINITELY DRAMATIC…’re definitely rocking that outfit…..also you look GREAT in all your new looks…..CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN…..HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!
#7 sassy style is a great style for Gail, it looks good, and has a slim looking effect that she can dress up, dress down or wear it casual.
Sharine Kessock
# 3 Definitely dramatic. This outfit makes her stand out. The necklace is a perfect accent to complete this outfit and take care of the lower neckline.
I believe that, #1. Blazin Confidence, is the best look. It could receive a more casual look by exchanging the skirt for a pair of jeans. Really classy and can be dressed up or down!
#3 is my favorite! She rocked them all! Congratulations Gail!
#6 Comfy Casual…Love the top!
Sue K
I liked #1 best, I think it fits her and gives her a nice shape.
bonnie dyon
My fave is garden party
I think Gail looks very nice in #1 Blazin Confidence.. Its very stylish.
Ms.Christi Black
My favorites are.#3, #5 & #8. I love the sweater in #1. You look great in them all Gail!! Congratulations!!!
My favorite is #2.
My pick is #Definitely Dramatic
I liked #2 Garden Party. She looks great and love the relaxed look that she is giving off. Great look! Congrats to you!!
#2 Garden Party. Love the casual look. I love all of them and Gail rocks them all!
I thought Gail looked great in all the styles, but my favorite was #6-Comfy Causual
Deborah W.
I like #1 Blazin Confidence. You look great, Gail!!! Congratulations!
Christine N
#3 is my favorite, I do like all of them.
my favorite is #3 definitely dramatic
#3 is my favorite, they are all nice.
I think she looks like a lot of fun wearing #5 Rainbow Zing!
Christine A
My favorite outfit is #3 Definitely Dramatic. Congrats to Gail on the sweepstakes win!
Brenda King
My favorite is #2-Garden Party. Great looks Gail!